Here is a superb story that epitomizes the new creative zeitgeist or at least one expression of it anyway.
The New Zeitgeist
I have already written about the Jupiter/Neptune/Chiron conjunction in Aquarius which is effect throughout 2009. This triple conjunction brings together the humanitarian and heart centred impulse of Jupiter and Neptune with the maverick pirate-punk ethos of Chiron. I have been seeing this vibe arising all year in many of my clients who are daring to follow their intuitions into new exciting un-chartered territories.
Here is an introduction to that below, titled…
Arousing the Heart
(sorry you have to cut and paste the links)
But maybe firstly you should check out the main story on how the definitive 21st Century pirate graffiti artist Banksy has pulled off an act of piracy in the heart of the establishment, with the cooperation of one institution, this really is a sign of the times that the fringes of our establishment are opening the doors to innovation. The whole exhibition celebrates piracy…
The story on the BBC, be sure to watch the short video..
…and look at the pictures…
…iconic, controversial, full of humour and ultimately a liberating message, though admittedly not to everyone’s taste as a lot of his messages are quite hard hitting so can be offensive to some. However this new exhibition, from what I can see has a more universal appeal, plenty of humour and less of the darker elements. The flavour of this Bristol exhibition is lighter without being a ‘sell out’ and is in keeping with the triple conjunction, to read more about the zeitgeist, go here..
Arousing the Heart
Matt Masons book The Pirates Dilemma was the subject of one of our early podcasts on Reality Activists and is one of the keynotes of the reality activist’s project. Chiron rules this punk ethos but also integration, presently the consciousness of the Earth is seeking integration of all paradigms and this requires not only humour but also the need to liberate our consciousness from expert mentality and convention.
Here is the podcast and a video with Matt Mason
Want to discuss this idea of piracy, the punk ethos, liberation, integration and consciousness with others?
… then join the Reality Activists.
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