Thursday 11 February 2010

A Liquid Light Moment on MCC

Liquid Light is the intoxicating fluid consciousness of potentiality and impermanence held at bay by the structural agreements of community. Enduring realities require agreements to create separation from source and relationship with others. Structure is essential. All structures are temporary, useful until the time they merely inhibit the adventure of consciousness.

In My Fathers House There Are Many Mansions

There are an almost infinite number of realms for conscious beings to inhabit in the Kosmos. As our membership and affinity moves beyond mere planetary reality — for we are but youngsters in the cosmos — then a vast array of different dimensions and realities will open up before us. Each realm has its own enclosure of time, its own story, relationship with history, unique set of laws and appropriate science that fits the existential foundation that supports its community.

Tomorrow we will continue with our journey of evolution looking at its contractual nature.

If you are feeling too dry from intellectual inquiry, take a moment now and drink from the spring of Liquid Light — refreshing you with the freedom of potentiality.

My online shamanic art exhibition is HERE

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