Wednesday 11 August 2010

The Enchantments Experience Ecuador

To be held at Montesuenos in the tranquil, temperate and energetically clear Valley of Longevity. Enjoy an extraordinary exploration into reality under the influence of the South American star night, exotic birds, flowers and mountain views, up at an altitude of over one mile high. Are you interested in coming?

The Course Structure

The dates I have been toying up to now are set. I have looked at the astrology and the Mayan Calendar and this structure all works with the energy available. Brian suggests these dates are ideal for him and his wife and is looking to be really accommodating. He has promised to share some of his extraordinary experience with us. The cost of the course itself is 270 GBP, US $430, HK $3,350 per person(not including flights, accommodation or food), which includes a structured community resource on the Internet to prime you in the weeks leading up to the experience -- this promises to be a course unto itself. I will base the modules on each day of the Ecuador course.

Arrive on or before Sunday 10th April 2011

Monday 11th April
The Force is Strong in That One—Life is at Hand

After the formal introduction, during which I will explain the intent to create new conscious questions, we start the course with direct experiential practice.

The energy field is instantly accessible; the vital force of life is literally at the end of your fingers and in the palm of your hands. Energy practices and theory on the holographic and holonomic nature of your energy field and how it connects with the Earth. A practice that is vitalizing, which recalibrates the frequencies of your consciousness, and which changes your perspective and heightens your sense of the world you are walking about in.

Module one includes rare perspectives on the Chakras, Aura and electrochemical nature of the body. All based on my 20 years of personal practice and exploration.

Tuesday 12th April
It’s all About You—The Self and Enchantments

Understanding the nature of change within yourself. We will be exploring childhood development, developmental psychology, nature and nurture, your life as a story, personal life aspirations and intentionality. The long good road of life and rites of passage.

Yoga Nidra and energy practice.

Wednesday 13th April
The Big Tomato—The Enchantments of Life

Looking at the whole juicy picture, we greedily consume the whole tomato; seeds and juice spill out onto the floor. We will be going through the whole model of the evolution of consciousness from involution, evolution, ancient history and recorded history up through present times and will touch upon the potentials of the future. Eat it all up with relish, without worrying what you spill, swallow as much as you would enjoy.

Lectures followed by interactive discussions where the aim will be to isolate the best questions.

Energy practices on each day.

Thursday 14th April
The Twilight Zone—The Wild, the Extreme and the Wonderful

Going way out of town to the places considered illegitimate by academics, integralists and developmental psychologists, what is normally considered mere fantasy but which seems to present us with a vast body of human testimony and compelling evidence that the world is not only stranger than we suppose, but is stranger than we can suppose. Life jackets will be handed out at the start of the day as we plunge into the oily waters of the mystery. From ET to big foot, to time travel and beyond. How do they fit?

Friday 15th April
Keeping It Real—Looking at Real World Issues

Lectures on the Enchantments of Life and the relevant challenges, listening to what is considered serious and facing it full on. As conscious, open-minded and experienced adults, we are as capable as anyone of looking at the important issues of world events and coming up with intelligent questions -- certainly as intelligent as those presented in the mainstream media. By the way, even though this day has gravitas, we will be laughing; dark humour is welcome and outrageous viewpoints are invited.

Saturday 16th April
Clear Day
Walking, massages, horse riding, chilling out at the ranch - whatever pulls you.
Evening visit to the Iguana Disco Café. Go off on your own or join me on a walk?

Sunday 17th April
Cosmic Plans and The Random Human—The Feedback Universe

Bringing it all home. Coming back to your everyday self, we accept our interests in celebrities, sex, sport, restaurants, wine, beer and intoxicants, newspapers, magazines and other addictions, cooking, shopping, clothing, TV dramas and furniture, whilst acknowledging the wonders and excitement of the diversity of your perversities. Hmmmm, yes, but how is this all relevant to the Enchantments of Life stuff, in terms of the intimate immediacy of the mundane and not-so-mundane life we lead, the existential reality?

Energy field practice — feeling the multiple frequencies in your field - and an open discussion on how you see everyday life changing and your visions on the nature of your work, entertainment and social life.

Monday 18th April
Extravagantly Flavoured Moroccan Chickpea Stew Heightened by an Exotic Beni Sadden Rich Red Wine, followed by Rose Flavoured Milk Pudding
Your Personal Intentions, Ordering from The Menu

What will you order from the menu of life? The Waiter is always hovering; now we can help you make your choice.

The day starts with the energy practices, including a Yoga Nidra quest.

Lecture on Intentions, Law of Attraction, Life Purpose, sympathetic resonance, intent and will versus mystery and surrender, need versus want. A highly interactive day full of nourishment as we hear of the exotic flavours that are conjured up by the wide range of feelings you all have about your life intentionality.

Then optional 2 day pony trek or hiking into the Podocarpus Park, here is a photographic blog (good pictures) of someone’s hike.

Plus more optional days.

A leaflet will be produced from this structure. Also, see the blog Ecuador; The Flow of Consciousness, second blog below to understand more about the energy flow of the course structure.

Who Else is Interested?

I will be Skyping with Brian in early September so if you are interested at this stage let me know.

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