Saturday 26 November 2011

A Vision for the Earth post 2012—Planetary Civilization

The Alternative Movement Needs a Bigger Vision

The Developmental map of the evolution of consciousness (see The Enchantments of Life below) confirms that there is a natural process, that means the human species is heading for a planetary society. A lot of energy is being expended fighting globalization. The reason for the passionate rejection of a globalized world are obvious, the structure of a global government being proposed by those in power is a totalitarian big brother state. However I propose that instead of focusing all our energy on retaining bankrupt nation states we look to over ride the New World Order with a bigger vision. 

Within ten years or so the Nation State will obviously be an almost meaningless entity, it is already in the west. There is no point fighting the flow of evolution. However what is needed is local connections, small communities and temporary sporadic collectives of all sorts as part of the Neptune Enchantment emergence. The Neptune Enchantment is bringing in the loose global alliance of ideal based, humanitarian and sacred nature revival mindsets and movements under a banner of the Rainbow Tribe. Secondly the next emerging thrust on the back of the Rainbow Tribe is the spread of understanding of systemic consciousness. This consciousness belongs to Pluto Enchantment and the individuals ability to connect to Enchantments of Life and developmental truth  in general.  Living complex conscious systems are sustainable yet dynamic and evolving collectives, for such a human society we are looking at a multi-tiered social structure without an over-lighting central all controlling government. Thirdly and the more long term view is the emergence of planetary consciousness and the Chiron Enchantment.

The natural emergence of a Planetary Civilization would include a whole Earth social structure that was dynamic and it would include various scales of sovereign provinces much smaller than the Nation State and these provinces, global villages, sovereign communities would be in an ebbing, flowing and creative relationship with a planetary social structure.

The Planetary Assembly would be an over lighting group of people mainly but not exclusively comprised of elders who would have no ties with any economic entity. They would be, I believe will be, a group of individuals who we might call mystics. Specifically they are individuals attuned to the planetary consciousness, the Earth’s energy field.

The Assembly would answer to and be in dialogue with a larger organization— a  Planetary Protectorate. The Protectorate would oversee all economic and political structures, there power would predominantly be through influence, they would not have absolute power, there role would be more educational and influential and there intention would be to keep the global market free.

Law needs to evolve, laws need to be put in place that inhibits secret societies made up of anyone in public office. Economics needs to evolve, so that free open competition can flourish. If this situation were to be empowered by public vision and public will and then implemented by limited dictates from the Planetary Protectorate, then we would naturally see free energy technologies, alternative medicine and unadulterated food production flourish. The Protectorate would have the power to ‘open’ society but not the power to close society.

Before this can happen, planetary consciousness needs to emerge more fully; this is an important element in my work The Enchantments of Life. 

The Enchantments of Life-First View
A quick introductory to the map that shows the aspects of self and the corresponding context that it operates in. The arrow of the evolution of consciousness is from bottom to top

Chiron Enchantment Planetary Consciousness
The Self Everyday mystic,
The Collective Totality of Earth

Pluto Enchantment Global Consciousness
The Self Freelancer
The Collective Human Species

Neptune Enchantment Humanitarian Consciousness
The Self Alternative
The Collective Rainbow Tribe

Uranus Enchantment Material Consciousness
The Self Consumer
The Collective International market

Saturn Enchantment Social Consciousness
The Self Citizen
The collective The State

Jupiter Enchantment Imperial Consciousness
The Self Heroic
The Collective Righteous Dominators Glorious Conquerors

Ceres Enchantment Village Consciousness
The Self Magical
The collective Sacred village

Mars Enchantment ‘Jungle’ Consciousness
The Self Impulsive Active
The Collective Tribe

Moon Enchantment Dreamscape Consciousness
The Self Dreamer
The collective Clan

Earth Enchantment Instinctive Consciousness
The Self Instinctive
The collective Band of foragers

Dark Sun Enchantment Soul Falling into Body
The Self Separating from Source
The Collective The Spiritual Cosmos

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