Tuesday 28 September 2010

For Astrologers

I am now looking to introduce my Enchantments of Life map to fellow professional astrologers. About 8 years ago, I cut off from the astrological community, stopped reading astrology books, took on board the criticisms of the ancient art of astrology and got rather cynical about the clichés. This coincided with a pretty much full-time exploration of psychology and Integral Theory. I read all of Ken Wilber and everything I could find by Dr Clare Graves, as well as about Spiral Dynamics, and looked at Jean Gebser and many others. What did I find? 

Astrology all over again, on another turn of the spiral.

My astrological research continued throughout this time, as did my consultancy work. My research went ‘out of town’ into the Trans-Neptunians, Centaurs and other minor bodies. From 1994, I was heavily into Chiron and then by 1997, Pholus and Chariklo. I was experiencing the holographic nature of the energy field in my daily practice, a visceral and literal connection to the old adage, ‘as above so below’. I knew that the explosion of planetary discovery meant that, like the astronomical view of our Solar System, astrology had access to not just a lot more information, but a whole new order of understanding that information.

Tuning into Chariklo opened the door for me to the holographic nature of the plasma field or the plasmic ocean we call space. My Enchantments of Life model emerged from my experiential awareness of the fractal relationship of my Aura, the Planetary Aura and the Solar System (the Sun’s Aura).

The Enchantments of Life adds a whole new contextual understanding to astrology, without negating the traditional art or the modern neo-Jungian perspective.

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