Tuesday 6 August 2013

The Reality of the Plutocrats

Following on from yesterday, I am sure something big is happening in regards to the global economy, but it is an underworld event, ie behind the curtain.

I was having dreams that spoke of behind the curtain shenanigans.

The 1929 Wall street Crash of late October was four and half years after a Jupiter Pluto opposition and this might make more sense with the timing of the fundamental change to the structure of the USA.

The pressure is building in intensity, but maybe it is going to become yet more intense.

The transit of Pluto opposite to the USA Sun is throughout 2014, Pluto transformations take at least a year to be externally visible, well normally...we can expect it to be obvious in 2016-2017. Pluto will be opposite to its position at the time of the 1929 crash at this point. A mirroring is suggested.

Looking at the situation now, that does seem a long way off but there is this long drawn out transformational energy being experienced.

We don't have to have a global depression or the corresponding WW3, but we do have to have a reconfiguration of the global economy and social structure.

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