mystic cyber crow
Sunday, 5 March 2017
Bernard: Essential Listening at the Frontier of Understanding
Wednesday, 22 February 2017
Atlantis-Timeline Changes Again
During 2015 and much of 2016, I was drawn into the feeling
that we as species were undergoing a timeline choice, a proverbial fork in the
road and that this is tied into the mystery of Atlantis.
For me, the mystery was not that it existed – the evidence is overwhelming in my eyes – but the exact nature of the inhabitants and the type of advanced technology. Last year I did a lot of reading of books on Atlantis and my theory is forming.
For me, the mystery was not that it existed – the evidence is overwhelming in my eyes – but the exact nature of the inhabitants and the type of advanced technology. Last year I did a lot of reading of books on Atlantis and my theory is forming.
My study of two eclipses last year confirmed my bias. I
really expected by the end of the year that something more dramatic would have
been exposed about the ancient civilization, but nothing seemed to emerge...
It seems, though, whilst the USA election had drawn all public
attention, there was something... there is something going on. The clues seem to be
linked to the worldwide visitation of key people to Antarctica. Joseph brought
my attention to this. His latest update is below, with recent links. I hand over
to Mr Farrell:
I have noticed that when, say, NASA makes an announcement that they are about to reveal an exciting new discovery, you get this mildly interesting story... and my feelings have been that this is cover.
In other words, when we get this fanfare, this rousing of attention, there really is something truly significant happening that is not for the public to know. Anyway, it feels very interesting...
more here on Antarctica including some background
In other words, when we get this fanfare, this rousing of attention, there really is something truly significant happening that is not for the public to know. Anyway, it feels very interesting...
more here on Antarctica including some background
We thought New Zealand was an island nation. Scientists say it’s the tip of a ‘hidden continent.’
From last summer
... claimed to be 1,000 years old, more likely to be over 10,000 years old, as Graham Hancock has made a case for, which is I realize is true of many of the Mayan sites as well. The true antiquity of Ancient History is a big taboo.
Wednesday, 15 February 2017
Your Soveriegnty

So we are to free ourselves from the thought police, the
enslaved guilty mind the socially engineered overly politically correct Orwellian entity that has been released into
the environment. This thoughtform is trying to become the global authority, using LGBT, white privilege, the environment etc as triggers to close your system down.. If you watch the videos on The Standford Prison Experiment, the Asch Conformity Experiment or the Milligram Experiment (and others available online) you will understand how the social engineers think. Watch the Century of the Self on public relations and you will see how social engineering is so easy.
The solution is free thinking, spiritual connection, self acceptance, non compliance with punitive based collective pressure and to remind yourself of the beauty of life. Cleanse the world by getting off it. So many people are feeling despair and the cure for the world is for you to find your own little pocket of joy or tranquility.
Sunday, 12 February 2017
Forget the Bread and Circuses, here is some of what is going on UPDATE
Sunday, 22 January 2017
Millions of Women Protest
All the World is a stage, and never as much as now! The sheep will go where they are told, the mass psychotic hysteria has become truly comedic...but the joke is wearing a bit thin
My instant reaction to the world wide protests against Trump, were, this is highly organized, hmm, smells like Soros and where are these woman with Pizzagate , the Vatican and the UK child abuse I scrolled down FB, sure enough two links appeared, confirming and reiterating my instinct.
The consensual world has become so scripted....ah I feel the breath of transcendence calling
Tuesday, 6 December 2016
What World? Timeline Update
I have seen more people talking online about the timeline
change, one was suggesting that there is an organic timeline and an artificial
timeline and that we need to get back to the organic timeline. I found this interesting.
AI is being promoted heavily within entertainment along with
satanic power and blood themes, this is of course is part of the spell to
create an artificial timeline, and the capture the human soul.
I am feeling cautiously, very slightly optimistic that the
worse will not happen and there will be a reprieve for humanity, despite its present
entrapment within an information trance. It seems to me that as ever it is down
to a small minority to stay awake and to affect the living field.
My perspective is that with the collapse of Uranus
Enchantment we are seeing the inevitable regression of humanity into old coping
methods, with the general populace calling upon Saturn Enchantment, righteousness,
rigid morality, nationalism and contraction into psychological spaces that are
comfortable. This Saturnian coping method is okay, it will not work but it is
better than the other thread which is the Jupiter Enchantment of occult-led imperial,
sociopathic and psychopathic power impulse that is now dominating the social
system. The satanic and primal blood lust is now endemic within the arts and
culture, its trending and embedded in all entertainment, and very hard to get
away from. This then of course triggers the Religious element (Saturn
Enchantment) to proclaim the end times and indeed with the Imperial Occult rush
to WW3 it could feasibly be the end times, an Armageddon that the people have
inadvertently voted for, which is to say a vote for either party in the
bipartisan system, is a vote for WW3 as the mainstream system is now corrupted
beyond redemption, or so it would seem.
Neptune is arising in it early low brow expression with
unintelligent political correctness that supports the power-mad leaders as long
as they say nice things, or things that sound right and fit into a dumb-ass
idealism, which has no depth and no proper investigation.
The ubiquitous use of key phrases and keywords is reaching fever pitch, so I suggest we all become very conscious of our vocabulary and use alternative phrasing, never the popular ones, as they are mostly socially engineered.
The strangeness of these times (aka 2012 era) is highlighted
by the fact that the higher frequencies of Pluto, Chiron, Pholus and beyond are
also present within the collective human psyche and Earth’s supra-natural
living system.
The timeline door is located between the Chiron and Pholus
Enchantments and Pholus brings the Technological to its crucial point with artificial
intelligence and the sci-fi warning that the machine will take over, the
computer will own us and control us and the machine in turn will be owned and
controlled by the other, ie the dystopian enslavement.
The internet is quite broken the search algorithms take you
to the mainstream narrative whatever you type in and the centralized online
media, Wikipedia and unending memes created by the agencies is so well
organized that the masses are well within this hypnotic spell of a fake
narrative. People keep getting bamboozled by the save the environment call out,
that is based on poverty mentality, economic enslavement for the masses in
other words the same old dystopian enslavement, being promoted by rich privileged
jet setting playboys (great actor) who mean well but again have no real understanding because
they are embedded within the glamour of the elite. Acting belongs to the Jupiter frequency, both enchantment and archetype, it is the ability to project a minor aspect of the ego onto the stage and if we look at all of the personalities that hold public attention, they are all great actors with slick PR (PR was originally called propaganda)
There is no real sanctuary
from this abundance of bullshit.
Within this context of the fake narrative is also the stream
of channelling (aka fake spirituality, false light) which goes something like
this…dear ones next Wednesday, there is a
rare alignment not seen for a 1,000 years and there will be a tremendous shift
all you have to do is meditate on this code and you and the 144,000 will ascend
or similar.
It is all pretty hideous to contemplate, but the imperative
is for those that see what is happening, is to continue to hold their centre and keep their
energy clear.
And strangely it feels, I hope, we will get through this and
continue to create pockets of light, joy and authentic human connection as we
traverse the road ahead.
The timeline?
Well, through my Enchantments of Life perspective, I see
that the technological and organic will arise together, as long as enough life
force can free itself from the technological-information trance and use the
machine as the tool rather than being a tool of the machine.
Don’t be so worried about keeping up with the latest
technology update…and do unplug and turn that phone off for some of the
day! Do not be overly triggered by whatever is popular, whatever it is, keep it small, keep it local, keep it intimate, stay connected and save your life force for what is unfolding.
ps here is a relevent story for future projections
ps here is a relevent story for future projections
Sunday, 4 December 2016
A Definition of Human Existence and its Development? (Integral Theory)
Whole living complex systems
exhibit emergence within themselves and reveal the descencion of consciousness or
enclosure of consciousness from above.
Sophisticated Creation
and evolution seem to be apparent.
We could also say Descencion
of consciousness and evolution work together.
I see the arising of a new wave of rational integral-ists,
who label themselves as trans-rational. I would suggest though that they are
rational not trans-rational, they do indeed transcend the rationalistic.
The rationalistic is the belief in materialism and
scientism, not based on personal experimentation but the hearsay of the
institution of science which is a politically infected mind set. The
rationalistic position is what is known as Orange vMeme, or Uranus Enchantment
in my schema, which reveres the winners, those who hold the power of consensus,
who can project the image of the expert, which is supported by the mainstream.
The new integralist do indeed transcend this narrow approach
and are truly being rational, they are in their heads and have a great deal
more self consistency, it is philosophic and an attempt to be existential real,
ie to strip out sentiment. I do not find that the new integralist is actually
scientific though, they do not do any experimentation with reality. Most people
who learn astrology or such like do indeed do experimentation to a lesser or
greaer degree, so the irony is that the much sneered astrologer is more likely
to do more science than an integralist… funny. The new integralist rallies
against ‘Green’ Neptune Enchantment and is so doing represses all
Even though we find that there are many who have
the same subtle experiences, which equates to an objective reality.
Debate, which is to say civilized arguments, (until they not
civilized) are based on contrary perspectives, polarity. The rational approach
always wins the argument, but the argument that is won has just reinforced the
division of reality. The rational approach to debate is not sustainable forever
because eventually emotions, passions will surface and an outburst of emotion
will come from a rationalist in response to a different position. The fact that
the emotions will eventually surface shows that the human being is both
thinking and feeling and therefore undermines the position that a rational
approach is the only approach to understanding reality. The assumption that the
rational is Superior to the feeling sense is an assumption based on the
economic and technological order. It can be argued that when we look at our
society the economic and technological order is now failing humanity.
But the integralist will have good arguments against the
above statement and the arguments will not negate my experiences.
And so on, we could enter into debate until eternity stops.
What is the bottom line?
I suggest that reality is agreement, the more energy that
supports an agreement the more manifest that agreement is. Every agreement is
based on a meta-belief, thoughts and feelings.
The way forward is to create a more encompassing, more benevolent
and abundant agreement, so that we have a better experience, the more universal
the better, ie better for more people and for more of all the lifeforms within
our domain.
Surely that is the ethic, we should live by? make life
better, strive towards improvement of life for all life?
What agreement would be best and most relevant for humanity
right now?
The question at the moment to be asked is how do we come up
an agreement on reality that is good for all people, all life on and within the
Earth and the Earth itself.
Any other kind of agreement, like what is best for the economy,
or what is best for my country or what is best for the environment but not
humanity seems to me to be childish and merely highlights how far we have not
yet evolved.
Sooner or later we will have to make an agreement on what is best
for the whole terrestrial system of life.
Saturday, 29 October 2016
Evolution Will Not Be Televised
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Yes I know he is old news, but he is the leader of the cat meme generation. |
Evolution is the manifestation of change and it takes place
within the human body.
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prove you are not devolving into gold fish attention and stick around |
The next stage of evolution is the awakening of
consciousness within the body. Embodied change leads to social change in a
feedback loop. The internet is fantastic, however that is not the final point
of arrival, it has to be anchored within the human being who is present within
the body and consciously anchoring the new potentials.
Everything you need to know is available online, however to
anchor change there has to be an embodiment.
Okay what am I talking about? Two aspects, one is a
practice, it could be meditation, yoga, chi gong, ecstatic dance or creating illuminated
art and creating and performing music.
The other aspect is through direct human interaction, where
there is human to human conversation exchange without distraction. People in
the same physical space talking and exploring ideas, visions and experiences.
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dragonfly 11th floor, 222 Des Voeux Road, Sheung Wan, opposite Wing On is a real space with real people |
The shadow of the smart phone and internet is that it
creates a constant river of stimuli that disconnects us from the our primary
vehicle, yes our body. The internet creates a tsunami of information, most of
which does not stick, it just passes through the mind and creates addiction to
more information for the sake of new information. Love the internet of course, but the shadow truth is that it is creating an Electro-magnetic frequency addiction.
The idea of mass movement is something of a red herring for
the next stage of our evolution, for it presumes a singular agreed upon
broadcast and implementation of a new agenda through a centralized media.
The next stage of culture is based on small groups of people
who are opening their minds and heart together, to literally bring in light. The
evolution of culture is now taking place via decentralized and dynamic
meetings. Of course they are interconnected and the internet does that bit, but
first real energy must be generated that happens through human exchange that
stimulates the life force. The overall effect of a satisfying intimate
gathering creates a tangible energy.
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the 5 of us at dragonfly |
For 25 years I have been hosting small gatherings with a
focus, a talk, an intention, a subject, and have found that the information is
half of the equation, it is what happens between people that creates a vitality
that anyone can attest to. In the 1990s before the internet really took off,
there was a lot of group meet ups and the energy was fantastic, today we can
access far more talks, but something is missing…real time, real bodies, real
computer tires the body after a while, but a real meeting in a real physical
space can evoke an energy that connects, mind, body, emotion and spirit. In
essence this is my reason for being involved in dragonfly as one of the
partners. For years people have said to me, you should put your stuff out there…but
you know what, is far more satisfying to
have a lively interaction with a group of people (not so much the crowd-the energy
changes, not enough connectivity).
This week at dragonfly I will be involved in 5 events that
are exploring cutting edge issues.
Sunday all five dragonflies will be beaming a lazer beam on
the concept of Karma.
Humanity is suffering from a background guilt. The
largely unconscious inheritance that we have from all religions that we are
miserable sinners and unclean. In today’s secular world this translates to the
guilt of not having enough money, (self worth?) which creates... not enough money.
So on Sunday
let us go to the core thoughtform that exists behind the façade and look
at it, it changes when we look at it.
Sundays Symposium at dragonfly is all
about empowering you by dealing with this turgid thoughtform and its associated
meaning. Liberate yourself.
2-6pm $HK420.
We have headsets and simultaneous translation for
English speakers and furthermore we have some very interesting individuals already
booked up in the audience who will have plenty to say in the group discussion.
If you are ET-UFO curious, ie you kinda wonder about this
weird subject but have never bothered to look into it the come along on Tuesday
for a 45 minute run through. 1 pm--1.45pm $HK100.
Wednesday at 1pm-1.45pm I go bigger and deeper with the
subject. Again only $100
And then on Thursday night we go to an uncommonly expansive
vista, (you will not get this on the internet)
Sensational Seminar with Laurence James Lucas
Nov 3 Thur 7:15pm - 9:15pm
"The Omni-Directional Cosmos, Evolution, Creation and the Earth"
(English) $500
Nov 3 Thur 7:15pm - 9:15pm
"The Omni-Directional Cosmos, Evolution, Creation and the Earth"
(English) $500
On Saturday you will find out what grumpy cat has to do with
planetary consciousness…
Sensational Seminar with Laurence James Lucas
Nov 5 Sat 11am - 4pm
"Dogs, Cats, the Rise of Feline Power on Facebook and Our Relationship with the Natural Kingdoms"
(With a break for lunch at 1–2pm in English with Cantonese translation) $800
Nov 5 Sat 11am - 4pm
"Dogs, Cats, the Rise of Feline Power on Facebook and Our Relationship with the Natural Kingdoms"
(With a break for lunch at 1–2pm in English with Cantonese translation) $800
email me at to book and/or for more information
the 11th floor at 222, Des Voeux Road, Sheung Wan opposite Wing On department store
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