Thursday 31 March 2011

Reality is a Department Store

The environment of our world is full of floors and departments, offering all sorts of frequencies ... but is there an elephant in the store, or maybe a dinosaur? Something we thought was extinct just underneath the floorboards?

Reality gets compartmentalized by the information space we dwell in. We choose our space -- consciously to a degree, but largely subconsciously and unconsciously. The information space is the environment of information we are entranced by, which is not just what we read or watch, nor our conversations, but also the locality, with its encoded data, in which we move around.

There are many realities. Below is a simple hierarchy of forces, realities unto themselves, that shape our common experience. The numbers reveal the order of influential effect, but I have deliberately listed them in nonlinear fashion.

1. Astrology reveals the Cosmic influences that set the tone for reality. This is the most subtle, yet paradoxically the most powerful, of the forces listed. Cosmic force is so obvious as to be largely invisible to the modern human. The electromagnetic plasma field of space and our Solar Orb are fundamental to life; we only remember that the Cosmos is in charge when a visceral natural phenomenon ‘interrupts’ our information space—our everyday default life. From the potent Cosmic realm, energy is filtered down into manifestation through various levels of consciousness and mind, then more solidly through our emotive, desire-led, imagination-based feeling selves.

2. The totality of Earth the Noosphere/Planetary Lightbody is the transducer of the Cosmic energies from ‘above’ and the integration with social forces from ‘below’. Included within the totality of Earth's consciousness and its field is the reflective intelligence of the matrix, which responds to the totality of collective human energy with the decree, ‘Thy wish is my command’. This manifestation is in a creative and even conflictive relationship with the Cosmic. The totality arises from a dynamic blend of the Cosmic and total emotional output.

5. The obvious dominant social reality is materialism (aka economics, consumerism etc). Even though this increasingly gets interrupted by natural disasters, the life focus soon returns to economic considerations and the accompanying global media, scientism and politically based script of the world, which is encoded by default into all entertainment. Whilst within the information space of ‘normality’, this reality seems impenetrable and solid, something that can be lived within forever. This reality of materialism is still the strongest at present, but on a bigger scale of things it is relatively weak, which is to say, it is a temporary theatre that will change in the decades and years to come.

6. The Dark Force, though more dense, is hidden, as in a major conspiracy that is veiled from the public; it is not that obvious to most people, yet is actually at present gaining considerable power. This is essentially an occult force, rather than merely being a force of material greed, although obviously the edges between the two are blurred. It is debatable where the power balance of our society is. Is it within the materialistic-scientism values? Or in the values of an empire that is psychologically attuned to the frequency of ‘the strong shall use the weak and this is the divine way of things’ ?

4. The collective soul that permeates all humans. The counterculture and alternative movement that is opposing the Dark Forces and Materialism is growing in strength, but still at present in a slightly underdog position. How long will it take for this value system to reach the tipping point?

3. The whole human system and its relationship to nature and cosmic energy; this systemic reality of a self-organizing chaos directed by the evolutionary imperatives of survival and growth is an implicit power. In many ways this is existential. If we wake up here on this level of reality, we stand halfway in the existential zone where we see that life ‘Just Is’. Reality is what it is, not because there is no reason, but because all reasons are true and they all cancel each other out… but not quite. Life is not absolute neutrality, which would be truly existential in the nihilistic sense. The awakening here is that life is tilted towards benevolence and abundance -- this means we cannot find comfort in mere existentialism, but are pulled into response in order to meet the requirements of the life force. The life force is impulsed towards the benevolent abundance, which is to say, it evolves.

Each individual weaves their own tapestry of experience, their own kaleidoscopic information space, drawing from the menu of realities from the terrestrial department store.

Get Real
Always tricky this one. How does one ‘get real’? Everyone has a divine right to their reality; existence in its infinite wisdom always says YES to your reality to a lesser or greater degree of realization. 
Looking at the broader social reality, we can see that materialism (Uranus Enchantment) has peaked and is diminishing in the West, leaving an increasing vacuum for either Dark Forces (anchored in negative Jupiter Enchantment; ‘the conspiracy’, which like all realities is a self-perpetuating perception in the act of manifesting), or the alternative values (Neptune Enchantment) of humanitarian equality and -- sneaking into view -- the systemic reality (Pluto Enchantment).

Whilst the West is seeing a rot, elsewhere -- such as Brazil and the East -- materialism is gaining effectiveness to a degree. However, the caveat to the developing economies and their material abundance is that, in totality within the Earth's field, there is an evolutionary pressure (or so it would seem?) to shift beyond mere materialism. For materialism to keep working, the economic system needs to truly be a free market that allows for entrepreneurial endeavour, without inhibiting the demands of the market. The paradox is that the market force of alternative values undermines the market force of materialism.

What is in your basket?

Where will you place your focus and therefore conjure your information space?

How will you navigate the needs to be happy, healthy, vital and positive with the negative effects of a materialistic reality and the ‘public market of human needs’ that is struggling to adapt and transform?

We owe it to ourselves and to existence itself to enjoy life and to feed the environment with our enjoyment, whilst staying engaged with the systemic changes we see all around us.

I suggest it is time to ask more refined questions about the nature of life, reality, the great big dinosaur that seems to be stirring under our feet and how we manifest our shared experience.

Do click here, this is superb!
By the way, here is a great way of understanding astrology. This is fun and profound, a real easy-peasy way of connecting to the astrological truth of frequencies.

Over the next few weeks I am going to be relaxing a bit, backing off from the sludge weight of the world situation a little, and focusing again on vitality, simple enjoyment of life, ha! changing some of my selections...

Opening image from here 
Shopping cart from Deviant Art here
landscape painting available as a card from here

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